Tuesday 18 February 2020

Education and Philosophy: Their Relationship

Relationship between Education and Philosophy

“Education without Philosophy is blind and Philosophy without Education is invalid.”
  Education is an application of philosophy.  It is the application of philosophy to study the problems of education.
 According to Dewey, “Philosophy may be defined as the theory of education in its most general phase.”
 According to Ross, “Philosophy and education are like two sides of a coin, presenting different views of the same thing.”
  Philosophy answers all the ultimate questions of education.
 Education and philosophy are two sides of the same coin. Actually, Education is the dynamic side of philosophy.
 The basic relationship between philosophy and education can be analyzed as follows. It is philosophy, that provides the purpose or the aim and it is education which makes it practical.
 Philosophy shows the way and education moves on in that direction. When we define education as the modification or behaviour, the direction in which, modification to be carried out is determined by philosophy.
  Philosophy deals with the end and education with the means. In fact, we can observe that the great philosophers of all times have been also great educators. For example, Socretes and Plato, the great philosophers, were also famous educators.
 Education is a laboratory where philosophic theories and speculations are tested and made concrete. Education may, therefore, be rightly called applied philosophy.
 Philosophy is wisdom; education transmits that wisdom from one generation to the other.
 Philosophy is in reality the theory of education. In other words, education is the dynamic side of philosophy, or application of the fundamental principles of philosophy.
 Philosophy formulates the method, education its process. Philosophy gives ideals, values and principles, those ideals, values and principles.

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